Software & resources
Below are some of the tools and resources I’ve made publicly available. Have a look at my GitHub page for code.
Börstell, Carl. 2024. tidysigns 0.1.0 — an R package for accessing sign language corpus data. (R)
[ code ]
Börstell, Carl. 2024. swemapdata 0.1.0 — an R Package of Spatial Data for Sweden - Regions and Cities. (R)
[ code ]
Börstell, Carl. 2024. signglossR 2.2.6 — an R package that facilitates visual representation of sign language data. (R)
[ demo | code ]
Börstell, Carl. 2022-. R functions for working with linguistic data (mapping, ELAN, video processing, etc.). (R)
[ code ]
Börstell, Carl. 2021. GlottoshinyR. Shiny application to make simple maps with Glottolog data. [ code | www ]
Börstell, Carl. 2018. Blur videos - Script that blurs a tracked portion of a video. (Python)
[ code ]
Börstell, Carl. 2018. SSLD-videos — Script that downloads videos from the Swedish Sign Language Dictionary. (Python)
[ code ]
Börstell, Carl. 2018. Make sign stills - Script that creates sign stills from sign language videos based on estimated hold sequences. (Python)
[ code ]
Börstell, Carl. 2018. ELAN make subtitles - Script that creates subtitled video clips from ELAN annotation files (.eaf). (Python)
[ code ]
Börstell, Carl. 2018. SSLD-images - Script that downloads and combines still images of signs from the Swedish Sign Language Dictionary. (Python)
[ code ]
Börstell, Carl. 2016. ELAN annotation duration - Tool that counts the total duration span of annotations in ELAN annotation files (.eaf) in a folder. (Python) [ code ]
Börstell, Carl & Robert Östling. 2015. SSL-lects - An online interface for plotting lexical variation data from the Swedish Sign Language Corpus. (Python) [ www | pdf ]
Gärdenfors, Moa, Carl Börstell, Robert Östling, Lars Wallin & Mats Wirén. 2017. SSL dataset for Universal Dependencies v2.1.
[ www ]
Gärdenfors, Moa, Carl Börstell, Robert Östling, Lars Wallin & Mats Wirén. 2016. SSL dataset for Universal Dependencies v1.4.
Börstell, Carl. 2023. R for Sign Language Linguistics. R tutorial. R4SL
Börstell, Carl. 2022-. TidyTuesday: repository with my data viz contributions. (R).
[ code ]
Börstell, Carl. 2019. A Typology of Dumplings.
Börstell, Carl. 2018. Ett tecken varje dag (@allatecken) - A Twitter bot that posts a random sign from the SSL dictionary every day. (2018-2023)